The 11th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference
27th-29th September 2017
The 11th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference
27th-29th September 2017
Registration fee: 100 Eur per participant.
Bank transfer details:
Name of beneficiary: University of veterinary medicine and pharmacy, Komenskeho 73, 04181, Kosice, Slovakia
IBAN: SK42 8180 0000 0070 0007 2225
Reference number (variable symbol)- 27092017
Bank name: Statna pokladnica
Bank address: Radlinskeho 32, 81005, Bratislava, Slovakia
In case of any Bank transfer difficulties:
1) registration fee will be accepted at registration desk on the 1st day of the conference provided you have informed us prior to attendance by emailing us at:
2) Official receipt for the payment will be provided.
Please download and use the template provided to submit your abstract by clicking the link - CEEPC2017. Name and surname of author.doc
Prior to submission, please ensure that file name is renamed by entering your name and surname in file name.
Deadlines: Registration and Abstract submission - 31 August 2017