Laboratory of biomedical microbiology and immunology


1.Title - Nanosystems conjugated with antibody fragments for treating brain infections in Slovak. Nanosystémy konjugované s fragmentmi protilátok na liečbu infekcií mozgu, Grant number - EURONANOMED2018-049 Funding - 120 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2021, Funding agency - ERA-NET H2020,  Call - EURONANOMED2018,  Acronym - TARBRAINFEC, Principal Investigator - (Slovakia) Bhide Mangesh,  

2.Title – Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of bisphenols on gut micorbiota and its role in obesogenic penotype: looking for biomarkers, in Slovak – Znalostná platforma na hodnotenie rizika bisfenolov na črevnú mikrobiótu a jej úlohu v obezogénnom fenotype: hľadanie biomarkerov, Grant number – GP/EFSA/ENCO/2018/03-GA04, Funding – 16 660 EUR €, Duration - 2019 - 2021, Funding agency – European Food  Safety Authority, Call –GP/EFSA/ENCO/2018/03,  Acronym – OBEMIRISK  Principal Investigator – (Slovakia) Mangesh Bhide,

3.Title – Innovative training network in Molecular Animal Nutrition, in Slovak – Inovatívna školiaca sieť v molekulárnej výžive zvierat, Grant number – 765423, Funding – 3 mil. EUR €, Duration - 2018 - 2021, Funding agency – H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017, Call – H2020- MSCA-ITN-2017 ,  Acronym – MANNA  Principal Investigator – (Slovakia) Mangesh Bhide,

4.Title – Developing novel nanopharmaceutics against bacterial infections at center nervous system, in Slovak – Vývoj nových nanoliečív proti bakteriálnym infekciám v centrálnom nervovom systéme, Grant number – EURONANOMED2021-105,  Acronym – Antineuropatho,  Funding – 75 000 EUR €, Duration - 2022 - 2024, Funding agency – ERA-NET H2020, Call – EURONANOMED2021, Principal Investigator – Mangesh Bhide,


5.Title – European Network for neglected vectors and vector-borne infections, in Slovak – Európska sieť pre nelegované vektory a infekcie prenášané vektormi, Grant number – TD1303, Funding – -EUR € , Duration - 2013 - 2016, Funding agency – European science foundation COST, Call – COST-, Acronym – EurNegVec,   Principal Investigator – Mc Member: Mangesh Bhide


6.Title – Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites, in Slovak – Cielená chemoterapia na ochorenia spôsobené endoparazitmi, Grant number – CM1307, Funding – -EUR € , Duration - 2014 - 2017, Funding agency – European science foundation COST, Call – COST-, Acronym – Endoparasites,   Principal Investigator – Mc Member: Mangesh Bhide

7.Title – Farm animal proteomics: proteomics in domestic animals, in Slovak – Proteomika hospodárskych zvierat: proteomika domácich zvierat, Grant number – FA1002, Funding – -EUR €, Duration - 2011 - 2014, Funding agency – European science foundation COST, Call – COST-, Acronym – FAP,   Principal Investigator – Mc Member: Mangesh Bhide

8.Title – Array technologies for BSL3 and BSL4 pathogens, in Slovak – Technológie poľa pre patogény BSL3 a SL4, Grant number – B28, Funding – -EUR €, Duration - 2009 - 2011, Funding agency – European science foundation COST B28, Call – COST, Acronym – Array,   Principal Investigator – Mc Member: Mangesh Bhide


9.Title – Interaction between SARS-Cov-2 and regulators of the complement, in Slovak – Interakcie SARS-Cov-2 a regulátorov komplementového systému, Grant number – IGA-ESGD/02/2024, Funding – 6000 EUR €, Duration - 2024 - 2026, Funding agency – Plán obnovy a odolnosti SR, Call – 09I03-03-V05 Early stage granty,   Principal Investigator – Jakub Viglaský

10.Title – Development  of high diversity neutralizing regions from single-domain antibodies against Tick-borne encephalitis virus, in Slovak – Vývoj neutralizujúcich vysoko diverzitných oblastí z jednodoménových protilátok voči vírusu kliešťovej encefalitídy, Grant number – IGA-ESGD/02/2024, Funding – 6000 EUR €, Duration - 2024 - 2026, Funding agency – Plán obnovy a odolnosti SR, Call – 09I03-03-V05 Early stage granty,  Principal Investigator – Tomáš Maľarik

11.Title – Open research community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED), in Sovak –Otvorená vskumna komunita pre moderný interdisciplinárny výskum v medicíne (OPENMED), Grant number – -, Funding – 300 000 for LBMI EUR €, Duration - 2020 - 2021, Funding agency –, Call – NFP313010V455, Acronym – Open research community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED), Principal Investigator – Juraj Pistl, Stefan Vilcek, Mangesh Bhide

12. Title – Modernization of the infrastructure for the research of nanosystems fot the transport of drugs into the brain , in SlovakModernizácia infraštruktúry pre výskum nano-systémov pre transport liečív do mozgu, Grant number – 1/0348/22 Funding – 82671,42 EUR €, Duration - 2024 - 2025, Funding agency – Plán obnovy a odolnosti SR, Call –09I03-03-V06-00006 Principal Investigator – Mangesh Bhide

13.Title - New study programms and education at UVLF in Košice in Slovak -  Nové študijné programy a vzdelávanie na UVLF v Košiciach,  Grant number - ITMS26110230036,  Funding - 1 049 997 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2014, Funding agency - EU Structural funds,  Call - ITMS26110230036,  Acronym - Neurovedy, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide (Head of Proteomics),  

14.Title - Excellence centre for Animal Diseases and Zoonoses, in Slovak. Centrum excelentnosti pre nákazy zvierat a zoonózy, Grant number - ITMS26220120002,  Funding - 1 293 089 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - EU Structural funds,  Call - ITMS26220120002,  Acronym - INFEKTZOON, Principal Investigator - Vilček Štefan, Mangesh Bhide (Head of Proteomics),   

15.Title - University Medical Park,   in Slovak. Univerzitný medicínsky park,  Grant number - ITMS26220220185,  Funding - 8.2 mil. EUR €,  Duration -  2013 - 2018, Funding agency - EU Structural Funds Call - ITMS26220220185,  Acronym - MEDIPARK, Principal Investigator - Pistl Juraj, Bhide Mangesh (Head of Proteomics),  


16.Title – Development of albumin and dendrimer-based nanosystems against tick-borne encephalitis virus, in Slovak Vývoj nanosystémov na báze albumínu a dendriméru proti vírusu kliešťovej encefalitídy, Grant number – APVV-23-0348, Funding – 53 796 EUR € for LBMI, Duration – 2024-2028, Funding agency –APVV, Call – APVV VV 2023, Principal investigator– - Juraj Koči, Mangesh Bhide,

17.Title – Development of nano-system to deliver the drugs into the brain against neuroinvasive pathogens, in SlovakVývoj nano-systému na transport liéčiv do mozgu proti neuroinvazívnym patogénom, Grant number – APVV-22-0084, Funding – 207 000 EUR €, Duration – 2023-2027, Funding agency – APVV , Call – APVV VV 2022, Principal investigator – Mangesh Bhide,

18.Title - Development of strategic therapeutics against selected vector- borne neuroinfections,  in Slovak. Strategický vývoj terapeutických látok voči neuroinfekciám spôsobených vybranými vektorom-prenášanými patogénmi , Grant number - APVV-18-0259, Funding - 248662 €, Duration - 2019 – 2023, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2018,  Acronym - PathoBlock, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

19.Title - The development of novel approaches for therapy of tauopathies using transport peptides for drugs and antibodies into the brain,   in Slovak. Vývoj nových prístupov na terapiu tuopatií využívajúcich transportné peptidy pre liečiva a protilátky do mozgu ,  Grant number - APVV -18-0302,  Funding - 38 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2022, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2018,  Acronym - KYNPED, Principal Investigator - Andrej Kovac, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,

20.Title - Deciphering the ligand-receptor interaction involved in central nervous system by Neisseria and Streptococcus,   in Slovak. Odhalenie receptor-ligand interakcií zúčastňujúcich sa invázie patogénov do centrálneho nervového systému a vývoj cielenej  terapeutickej stratégie voči neuroinfekciám,  Grant number - 14-0218,  Funding - 218 986 eur €,  Duration -  2015 - 2019, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2014,  Acronym - INEURAb, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

21.Title - Identification of biomarkers associated with chemotherapy resistence in testicular tumors from germ cells in Slovak. Identifikácia biomarkerov spojených s rezistenciou na chemoterapiu v testikulárnych nádorov zo zá, Grant number - APVV-0016-11,  Funding - 38 000 eur €,  Duration -  2012 - 2015, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2011,  Acronym - Retetestis, Principal Investigator - Mego Michal, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,  

22. Title - Study of host:patogen interaction at proteomic level to explore immune evasion mechanisms of pathogens,   in Slovak. Štúdium interakcie medzi hostiteľom a patogénom na objasnenie neuroinvazívnych mechanizmov na proteomickej úrovni, Grant number - APVV 0036-10,  Funding - 243 925 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2014, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2010,  Acronym  Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

23.Title - Development of therapeutic biomolecules to block SARS-CoV-2 infection,   in Slovak. Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu,  Grant number -   Funding - 155 016 EUR €,  Duration -  2020 - 2021, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV PP-COVID-2020,  Acronym - Development of therapeutic biomolecules to block SARS-CoV-2 infection, Principal Investigator - Kontsekova Eva Pi, Bhide Mangesh Co-Pi,  

Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja (APVV – Bilaterálne projekty)


24.Title - Production and identification of one E. ruminantum outer membrane protein OMPatt, strongly expressed in attenuated strain in Slovak. Produkcia a identifikácia receptora pre vonkajší membránový proteín OMPatt (E. ruminantium), ktorý je silne exprimovaný v oslabenom kmeni, Grant number - SK-FR-2013-0031, Funding - 5 300 eur €, Duration - 2012 - 2015, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-FR-12,  Acronym - RecProtER, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,

25. Title - Study of complement evasion strategies used by Francisella and Borrelia,   in Slovak. Štúdium únikových stratégií Francisella a Borrelia pred komplementovým systémom,  Grant number - APVV SK-PT-0014-10,  Funding - 5 395 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2012, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-PT-2010,  Acronym - BORCOMP, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,

26. Title - Regulation of transcription system Sak 188/189 in Streptococcus agalactiae,   in Slovak. Regulácia transkripcie dvojzložkového sytému Sak188/189 u Streptococcus agalactiae,  Grant number - SK-RU-0013-07,  Funding - 6 500 eur €,  Duration -  2008 - 2009, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-RU-07,  Acronym - SakSys, Principal Investigator - Emil Pilipčinec, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh


27. Title – Synthesis  of the antimicrobial peptides as a potential therapeutic agent against neuroborreliosis, in Slovak – Syntéza antimikrobiálnych peptidov ako potenciálne terapeutické látky proti neuroborelióze, Grant number – 1/0348/22, Funding – EUR ~48000 €, Duration – 2022-2025, Funding agency – VEGA, Call – VEGA 2022, Principal investigator Evelína Mochnáčová,

28.Title – Development of single-domain antibodies (nanobodies) from Llama (Vicugna pacos) and therapeutic C7C peptides against protein S of SARS-CoV-2, in SlovakVývoj jednodoménových protilátok (nanoprotilátok) z lamy (Vicugna pacos) a terapeutických C7C peptidov proti proteínu S SARS-CoV-2, Grant number – 1/0381/23, Funding – EUR ~ 48000 €, Duration – 2023-2026, Funding agency – VEGA , Call – VEGA 2023, Principal investigator – Mangesh Bhide,

29.Title - Transcriptome analysis of the effect of surface ligands of Borrelia on host cells and synthesis of nanobodies against selected ligands as potential therapeutic agent,   in Slovak. Štúdium vplyvu povrchových ligandov borélií na hostiteľské bunky prostredníctvom analýzy transkriptómu a produckia nanoprotilátok, voči vybraným ligandom s potenciálnym teraputickým účinkom,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0105/19,  Funding - 45 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2022, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2019,  Acronym - Transcriptome Borrelia, Principal Investigator - Bhide Mangesh,

30.Title - Analysis of the effect of surface antigen (domain III of protein E) of selected flaviviruses on the cells of neurovascular unit and synthesis of protein E inhibiting peptide as potential therapeutic agent,   in Slovak. Analýza efektu povrchového antigénu proteínu E, vybraných flavivírusov na bunky neurovaskulárnej jednotky a syntéza inhibičného peptidu voči doméne III ako potenciionálnej teraputickej látky,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0439/18,  Funding - 56 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2018 - 2021, Funding agency - DIII protein E,  Call - VEGA 2017,  Acronym - VEGA -, Principal Investigator - Katarína Bhide, Co-Pi: Jimenez Munguía Irene,

31. Title - Exopolysacharides from. Lactobacillus reuteri: the study of their immunomodulatory effect on porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-1) challenged with enterotoxigenic E.coli in Slovak. Exopolysacharidy Lactobacillus Reuteri: štúdium ich imunomodulačného účinku na intestinálne epitelové bunky prasiat (IPEC-1),po čelenži s enterotoxigénnymi E.coli ,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0633/17,  Funding - 34 979 EUR €,  Duration -  2017 - 2019, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2016,  Acronym - EPS, Principal Investigator - Tkacikova L, Co-Pi: Mangesh Bhide,  

32. Title - Mapping of borrelial epitopes and Multiple antigenic peptides construction for active immunization against Lme borreliosis,   in Slovak. Mapovanie epitopov povrchových proteínov borélií, Grant number - VEGA 1/0261/15,  Funding - 36 739 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2018, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2014,  Acronym - Epitope mapping, Principal Investigator - Pulzová Lucia / Mikula Ivan,

33.Title - Deciphering potential factors of neuroinvasive Lyme disease Borrelia inducing neuroinflammation upon infection of the CNS,  in Slovak. Odhalenie potenciálnych faktorov neuroinvazívnych borélií spôsobujúcich neurozápal v CNS, Grant number - VEGA 1/0258/15,  Funding - 35 620 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2018, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2014,  Acronym - Neuroinflammation, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

34.Title - Study of underlying protein-protein interactions that take part in the translocation of Borrelia and Francisella across blood brain barrier in Slovak. Štúdium základných proteínových interakcií, ktoré sa zúčastňujú na translokácií Borrelia a Francisella cez hemotoencefalickú bariéru, Grant number - 1/0054/12,  Funding - 32 631 EUR €,  Duration -  2012 - 2014, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA  2011,  Acronym - BorFranTran, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,

35.Title - Study of interaction between host and Borrelia at proteomic level in relation with search for novel biomarkers,  inSlovak. Štúdium interakcie medzi hostiteľom a boréliami na proteínovej úrovni,vo vťahu k novým biomarkerom, Grant number - 1/0621/09,  Funding - 31 450 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA  2008,  Acronym - HostBorProt, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,

36.Title - Molecular approaches for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and mutation in the genes of innate immunity in relation to infection,   in Slovak. Molekulárne prístupy detekcie Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis a mutácií v génoch nešpecifickej imunity vo vzťahu ku infekcií,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0608/09,  Funding - 24 726 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - VEGA,  C all - VEGA 2009,  Acronym - MycoBakter, Principal Investigator - Ivan Mikula, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,


37.Title - Advances in bioinformatic tools for veterinary and medical students, in Slovak. Pokročilé bioinformatické metódy pre študentov veterinárskych a medicínskych odborov,  Grant number - KEGA016UVLF-4/2015,  Funding - 43 925 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2017, Funding agency - KEGA,  Call - KEGA 2015,  Acronym - In silico veritas II., Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,

38.Title - New trends in the use of the bioinformatics Analyzes in Genomics and Proteomics for students in the Veterinary and the Medical fields,   in Slovak. Nové trendy vo využívaní bioinformatických analýz v genomike a proteomike pre študentov veterinárskych a biomedicínskych odborov, Grant number - KEGA  005UVLF-4/2011, Funding - 26 995 EUR €, Duration - 2011 - 2015, Funding agency - KEGA, Call - KEGA 2010, Acronym - In silico veritas I., Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  


39.Title - Transfer of the knowledge from research to education for veterinarians and medical students in Slovak. Transfer poznatkov z výskumu pre študentov veterinárskych a medicínskych odborov,  Grant number - 037-002UVL8-2008,  Funding - 60 000 eur €,  Duration -  2008 - 2009, Funding agency - Ministry of education Call - —,  Acronym - Transfer poznatkov, Principal Investigator - Juraj Pistl, Co-Pi: Mangesh Bhide,

40.Title – Development of monodomain antibodies blocking SARS-CoV-2 with therapeutic potential., in SlovakVývoj monodoménových protilátok blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 s terapeutickým potenciálom, Funding – 500000 EUR €, Duration – 2021-2025, Funding agency – MSVVaS, Principal investigators – Mangesh Bhide, Robert Schreter.


41.Title – Modernization of the infrastructure for the research of nanosystems fot the transport of drugs into the brain , in Slovak – Modernizácia infraštruktúry pre výskum nano-systémov na transport liečiv do mozgu, Grant number – 1/0348/22 Funding – 82671,42 EUR €, Duration - 2024 - 2025, Funding agency – Plán obnovy a odolnosti SR, Call –09I03-03-V06-00006 Principal Investigator – Mangesh Bhide

42.Title - Development of therapeutic biomolecules to block SARS-CoV-2 infection,   in Slovak. Vývoj terapeutických biomolekúl blokujúcich SARS-CoV-2 infekciu,  Grant number -   Funding - 155 016 EUR €,  Duration -  2020 - 2021, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV PP-COVID-2020,  Acronym - Development of therapeutic biomolecules to block SARS-CoV-2 infection, Principal Investigator - Kontsekova Eva Pi, Bhide Mangesh Co-Pi,  

43.Title - Open reseach community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED),   in Slovak. Open reseach community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED),  Grant number -   Funding - 300 000 EUR for LBMI €,  Duration -  2020 - 2021, Funding agency -   Call - NFP313010V455,  Acronym - Open reseach community for modern interdisciplinary research in medicine (OPENMED), Principal Investigator - Juraj Pistl, Stefan Vilcek, Mangesh Bhide,  

44.Title - Development of strategic therapeutics against selected vector- borne neuroinfections,   in Slovak. Strategický vývoj terapeutických látok voči neuroinfekciám spôsobených výbranými vektorom prenášanými patogénmi,  Grant number - APVV-18-0259,  Funding - 248662 €,  Duration -  2019 – 2023, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2018,  Acronym - PathoBlock, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

45.Title - Transcriptome analysis of the effect of surface ligands of Borrelia on host cells and synthesis of nanobodies against selected ligands as potential therapeutic agent,   in Slovak. Štúdium vplyvu povrchových ligandov borélií na hostiteľské bunky prostredníctvom analýzy transkriptómu  a produkcia nanoprotilátok, voči vybraným ligandom s potenciálnym terapeutickým účinkom,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0105/19,  Funding - 45 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2022, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2019,  Acronym - Transcriptome Borrelia, Principal Investigator - Bhide Mangesh,  

46.Title - The development of novel approaches for therapy of tauopathies using transport peptides for drugs and antibodies into the brain,   in Slovak. Vývoj nových prístupov na terapiu tuopatií využívajúcich transportné peptidy pre liečivá a protilátky do mozgu,  Grant number - APVV -18-0302,  Funding - 38 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2022, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2018,  Acronym - KYNPED, Principal Investigator - Andrej Kovac, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,  

47.Title - Nanosystems conjugated with antibody fragments for treating brain infections in Slovak. Nanosystems conjugated with antibody fragments for treating brain infections Grant number - EURONANOMED2018-049 Funding - 120 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2021, Funding agency - ERA-NET H2020,  Call - EURONANOMED2018,  Acronym - TARBRAINFEC, Principal Investigator - (Slovakia) Bhide Mangesh,  

48.Title - Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers,   in Slovak. Knowledge platform for assessing the risk of bisphenols on gut microbiota and its role in obesogenic phenotype: looking for biomarkers,  Grant number - GP/EFSA/ENCO/2018/03-GA04,  Funding - 16 660 EUR €,  Duration -  2019 - 2021, Funding agency - European Food Safety Authority,  Call - GP/EFSA/ENCO/2018/03,  Acronym - OBEMIRISK, Principal Investigator - (Slovakia) Bhide Mangesh,  

49.Title - Innovative training network in Molecular Animal Nutrition,   in Slovak. Innovative training network in Molecular Animal Nutrition,  Grant number - 765423,  Funding - 3 mil. Euro.; UVLF - Kosice 205000 €,  Duration -  2018 – 2021, Funding agency - H2020- MSCA-ITN-2017,  Call - H2020- MSCA-ITN-2017,  Acronym - MANNA, Principal Investigator - (Slovakia) Bhide Mangesh,  

50.Title - Analysis of the effect of surface antigen (domain III of protein E) of selected flaviviruses on the cells of neurovascular unit and synthesis of protein E inhibiting peptide as potential therapeutic agent,   in Slovak. Analýza efektu povrchového antigénu (doména III proteínu E) vybraných flavivírusov na bunky neurovaskulárnej jednotky a syntéza inhibičného peptidu voči doméne III ako potencionálnej terapeutickej látky,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0439/18,  Funding - 56 000 EUR €,  Duration -  2018 - 2021, Funding agency - DIII protein E,  Call - VEGA 2017,  Acronym - VEGA -, Principal Investigator - Katarína Bhide, Co-Pi: Jimenez Munguía Irene,  

51.Title - Exopolysacharides from. Lactobacillus reuteri: the study of their immunomodulatory effect on porcine intestinal epithelial cells (IPEC-1) challenged with enterotoxigenic E.coli in Slovak. Exopolysacharidy Lactobacillus Reuteri: štúdium ich imunomodulačného účinku na intestinálne epitelové bunky prasiat (IPEC-1) po čelenži s enterotoxigénnymi E.coli,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0633/17,  Funding - 34 979 EUR €,  Duration -  2017 - 2019, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2016,  Acronym - EPS, Principal Investigator - Tkacikova L, Co-Pi: Mangesh Bhide,  

52.Title - Deciphering the ligand-receptor interaction involved in central nervous system by Neisseria and Streptococcus,   in Slovak. Odhalenie ligand-receptor interakcií zúčastňujúcich sa invázie patogénov do centrálneho nervového systémua vývoj cielenej terapeutickej stratégie voči neuroinfekciám,  Grant number - 14-0218,  Funding - 218 986 eur €,  Duration -  2015 - 2019, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2014,  Acronym - INEURAb, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

53.Title - Mapping of borrelial epitopes and Multiple antigenic peptides construction for active immunization against Lyme borreliosis,   in Slovak. Mapovanie epitopov povrchových proteínov borélií pre účely vývoja Multiple antigenic peptide vakcíny proti Lymskej borelióze,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0261/15,  Funding - 36 739 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2018, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2014,  Acronym - Epitope mapping, Principal Investigator - Pulzová Lucia / Mikula Ivan,  

54.Title - Deciphering potential factors of neuroinvasive Lyme disease Borrelia inducing neuroinflammation upon infection of the CNS,   in Slovak. Odhalenie potenciálnych faktorov neuroinvazívnych borélií spôsobujúcich neurozápal v CNS,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0258/15,  Funding - 35 620 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2018, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2014,  Acronym - Neuroinflammation, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

55.Title - Advances in bioinformatic tools for veterinary and medical students,   in Slovak. Pokročilé bioinformatické metódy pre študentov veterinárskych a medicínskych odborov,  Grant number - KEGA016UVLF-4/2015,  Funding - 43 925 EUR €,  Duration -  2015 - 2017, Funding agency - KEGA,  Call - KEGA 2015,  Acronym - In silico veritas II., Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

56.Title - Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites,   in Slovak. Targeted chemotherapy towards diseases caused by endoparasites,  Grant number - CM1307,  Funding - — €,  Duration -  2014 - 2017, Funding agency - European science foundation COST,  Call - COST—,  Acronym - Endoparasites, Principal Investigator - Mc Member: Bhide Mangesh,  

57.Title - University Medical Park,   in Slovak. Univerzitný medicínsky park,  Grant number - ITMS26220220185,  Funding - 8.2 mil. EUR €,  Duration -  2013 - 2018, Funding agency - EU Structural Funds Call - ITMS26220220185,  Acronym - MEDIPARK, Principal Investigator - Pistl Juraj, Bhide Mangesh (Head of Proteomics),  

58.Title - European Network for neclegted vectors and vector-borne infections,   in Slovak. European Network for neclegted vectors and vector-borne infections Grant number - TD1303,  Funding - — EUR €,  Duration -  2013 - 2016, Funding agency - European science foundation COST,  Call - COST—,  Acronym - EurNegVec, Principal Investigator - Mc Member: Bhide Mangesh,  

59.Title - Identification of biomarkers associated with chemotherapy resistence in testicular tumors from germ cells in Slovak. Identification of biomarkers associated with chemotherapy resistence in testicular tumors from germ cells in Slovak,  Grant number - APVV-0016-11,  Funding - 38 000 eur €,  Duration -  2012 - 2015, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2011,  Acronym - Retetestis, Principal Investigator - Mego Michal, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,  

60.Title - Production and identification of one E. ruminantum outer membrane protein OMPatt, strongly expressed in attenuated strain in Slovak. Produkcia a identifikácia receptora pre vonkajší membránový proteín OMPatt (E. ruminantium), ktorý je silne exprimovaný v oslabenom kmeni,  Grant number - SK-FR-2013-0031,  Funding - 5 300 eur €,  Duration -  2012 - 2015, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-FR-12,  Acronym - RecProtER, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

61.Title - Study of underlying protein-protein interactions that take part in the translocation of Borrelia and Francisella across blood brain barrier in Slovak. Štúdiumzákladných proteínových interakcií, ktoré sa zúčastňujú pri translokácii Borrelia a Francisella cez hematoencefalickú bariéru,  Grant number - 1/0054/12,  Funding - 32 631 EUR €,  Duration -  2012 - 2014, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA  2011,  Acronym - BorFranTran, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

62.Title - New trends in the use of the bioinformatics Analyzes in Genomics and Proteomics for students in the Veterinary and the Medical fields,   in Slovak. Nové trendy vo využívaní bioinformatických analýz v genomike a proteomike pre študentov veterinárskych a biomedicínskych odborov,  Grant number - KEGA  005UVLF-4/2011,  Funding - 26 995 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2015, Funding agency - KEGA,  Call - KEGA 2010,  Acronym - In silico veritas I., Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

63.Title - Farm animal proteomics: proetomics in domestic animals,   in Slovak. Farm animal proteomics: proteomics in domestic animals,  Grant number - FA1002,  Funding - — EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2014, Funding agency - European science foundation COST,  Call - COST—,  Acronym - FAP, Principal Investigator - Mc Member: Bhide Mangesh,  

64.Title - New study programms and education at UVLF in Košice in Slovak. Nové študijné programy a vzdelávanie na UVLF v Košiciach,  Grant number - ITMS26110230036,  Funding - 1 049 997 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2014, Funding agency - EU Structural funds,  Call - ITMS26110230036,  Acronym - Neurovedy, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide (Head of Proteomics),  

65.Title - Study of host:patogen interaction at proteomic level to explore immune evasion mechanisms of pathogens,   in Slovak. Štúdium interakcie medzi hostiteľom a patogénom na objasnenie neuroinvazívnych mechanizmov na proteomickej úrovni,  Grant number - APVV 0036-10,  Funding - 243 925 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2014, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV  VV 2010,  Acronym - Hostiteľ - patogén interakcia, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

66.Title - Study of complement evasion strategies used by Francisella and Borrelia,   in Slovak. Štúdium únikových stratégií Francisella a Borrelia pred komplementovým systémom,  Grant number - APVV SK-PT-0014-10,  Funding - 5 395 EUR €,  Duration -  2011 - 2012, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-PT-2010,  Acronym - BORCOMP, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

67.Title - Excellence centre for Animal Diseases and Zoonoses,   in Slovak. Centrum excelentnosti pre nákazy zvierat a zoonózy,  Grant number - ITMS26220120002,  Funding - 1 293 089 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - EU Structural funds,  Call - ITMS26220120002,  Acronym - INFEKTZOON, Principal Investigator - Vilček Štefan, Mangesh Bhide (Head of Proteomics),  

68.Title - Array technologies for BSL3 and BSL4 pathogens,   in Slovak. Array technologies for BSL3 and BSL4 pathogens,  Grant number - B28,  Funding - — EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - European science foundation COST B28,  Call - COST—,  Acronym - Array, Principal Investigator - Mc Member: Bhide Mangesh,  

69.Title - Study of interaction between host and Borrelia at proteomic level in relation with search for novel biomarkers,   in Slovak. Štúdium interakcie medzi hotiteľom a boréliami na proteínovej úrovni vo vzťahu k novým biomarkerom,  Grant number - 1/0621/09,  Funding - 31 450 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA  2008,  Acronym - HostBorProt, Principal Investigator - Mangesh Bhide,  

70.Title - Molecular approaches for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis and mutation in the genes of innate immunity in relation to infection,   in Slovak. Molekulárne prístupy detekcie Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis a mutácií v génoch nešpecifickej imunity vo vzťahu k infekcii,  Grant number - VEGA 1/0608/09,  Funding - 24 726 EUR €,  Duration -  2009 - 2011, Funding agency - VEGA,  Call - VEGA 2009,  Acronym - MycoBakter, Principal Investigator - Ivan Mikula, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,  

71.Title - Transfer of the knowledge from research to education for veterinarians and medical students in Slovak. Transfer poznatkov z výskumu pre študentov veterinárskych a medicínskych odborov,  Grant number - 037-002UVL8-2008,  Funding - 60 000 eur €,  Duration -  2008 - 2009, Funding agency - Ministry of education Call - —,  Acronym - Transfer poznatkov, Principal Investigator - Juraj Pistl, Mangesh Co-Pi: Bhide,  

72.Title - Regulation of transcription system Sak 188/189 in Streptococcus agalactiae,   in Slovak. Regulácia transkripcie dvojzložkového sytému Sak188/189 u Streptococcus agalactiae,  Grant number - SK-RU-0013-07,  Funding - 6 500 eur €,  Duration -  2008 - 2009, Funding agency - APVV,  Call - APVV SK-RU-07,  Acronym - SakSys, Principal Investigator - Emil Pilipčinec, Co-Pi: Bhide Mangesh,